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Skills Enhancement Survey

Welcome to Hayden Academy Collective (HAC) Studios!
I've developed dozens of skills over the past several years. It's all been toward the goal of telling and selling captivating (new) narratives.
I want to know which ones you're interested in becoming more proficient in to enhance your business and or life.
Fill in the ones you're interested in. Then let's schedule a time to chat about how I might be able to help.


What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Select all that apply
What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Digital Business

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Modern Communication

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Book-Self Publishing

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?


What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Audiobook Self-Production

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Visual Media

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Language Learning

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Social Media

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Music Production

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?


What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Project Management

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Media - Creative Inspiration

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Skill Acquisition

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

What do you want to learn or hear about from me?

Is there a specific creative (or creative business) project you would like help with? Describe it and your goal below. (Optional)

Why you subscribed

Why did you subscribe to my email list?

Why did you subscribe to my email list?

How did you find out about my work and services?

How did you find out about my work and services?

