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Story Doctor Submission Form

Got a knotty story or essay that’s giving you grief? Each column, we’ll answer your craft questions about an unpublished prose piece—yes, nonfiction people, you matter too I guess—with a deep dive into how editors read: what we look for, common problems we encounter and how to fix them, and how these adjustments and ways of thinking can make ANY piece stronger.

What to send us? Any work of prose under 8,000 words in a Google Doc. (Double Spaced + Times New Roman.)
*We select work at random (only 1 per column). This is not for publication so you do not need to worry about simultaneous submissions or previously published nonsense.

Your name:

Your email:

Logline for your story (basically just a one line summary)

Tell Autumn & Steve what you're uncertain about. It can be a question, rambling freak-out, or some craft-focused screams.

Google Doc Link

Please confirm:

Please confirm:

Are you interested in learning about more in-depth, personalized, feedback opportunities?

Are you interested in learning about more in-depth, personalized, feedback opportunities?