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PinchLab Job Application
is building an exceptional tech product team, seeking talented individuals who are passionate about software products and design and have high standards for their own work.
-> If you:
are always thinking about better ways to solve problems
enjoy discussing and brainstorming different possibilities with colleagues
care about the user experience and their feelings
hope to create my own tech product someday.
We look forward to meeting you and discussing more possibilities! 😎
About you
What position are you applying for?
Please upload your resume (PDF)
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Which startup has impressed you the most or do you admire the most? Why?
What is your definition of a perfect software product?
Please briefly describe how you handle challenges when they arise (communication, design, technology, etc.)
What is your expected salary range?
What is the earliest date you can start?
How did you find out about the job opening at PinchLab? Were you referred or recommended by someone?