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Submit a No-Code Tool

Enter the tool name

Upload tool's logo (200x200px, fully rounded corners)

One line summary of what the tool does

Company (or tool) website URL

Company LinkedIn URL

Company Twitter URL

Founder (1) Name

Founder (1) LinkedIn URL

Founder (1) Twitter URL

Founder (2) Name

Founder (2) LinkedIn URL

Founder (2) Twitter URL

Tool Overview (long overview in 1 paragraph or 100-150 words)

Tool Overview (short overview in less than 60 words)

Why use this tool? (strong compelling reason/s why someone should consider this tool in about 100 words | 3-5 bullet points)

What you can accomplish with this tool? (razor-sharp focus on what is it that one can build with this tool in about 100 words | 3-5 bullet points)

Top 5-7 features of the tool (bullet points only)

Pricing plans

Learning resources (official tutorials, YouTube channel, academy, docs, guides, etc.)

Founder (3) Name [if there is a third co-founder]

Founder (3) LinkedIn URL

Founder (3) Twitter URL

Your Email or Twitter URL (or both)

Submit links to tool intro video, review/shoutout tweets by real users (as many as you want to showcase)