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OpenDAO Compensation Form for OpenSea phishing attack on 20 February 2022

Your contact details for us to clarify the claim, if required.

Discord username (including #xxxx)
Twitter profile link

Your affected wallet address

Untitled checkboxes field

Details of compensation claim

To help us out. Please help fill this up as accurately as possible.
Strictly by the following format, one item per line
Name of NFT,Contract address of NFT,Token ID of your NFT,Estimated 7 day average floor price of this NFT at time of attack in ETH.
BAYC,0xBC4CA0EdA7647A8aB7C2061c2E118A18a936f13D,1277,92 Coolcats,0x1A92f7381B9F03921564a437210bB9396471050C,2173,10.75

Wallet Verification

Please copy and paste the entire signature here.
Any other comments?

Leave your email here, if you would like to be contacted when we have future workshops and educational programs.