Thank you for your interest!
Once you've completed this form, we will reach out to you.
What is your first name?
What is the name of your company?
What is your best contact email?
Are you currently selling on TikTok?
Now, we're going to ask a few questions about your brand.
What is your brand's name?
If applicable, please provide your Amazon store link
How many SKUs are you currently selling
From 0-10, How knowledgeable are you about TikTok Shop
Do you have a Social Security Number (SSN)?
Do you have a Social Security Number (SSN)?
What services are you most interested in?
What services are you most interested in?
Do you have a business established in USA?
Do you have a business established in USA?
Are you currently selling on TikTok Shop?
Are you currently selling on TikTok Shop?
If applicable, please provide your Tiktok Shop link
What are your current sales?
Are you creating your content?
If yes, how many videos do you have?
Are you running TikTok Shop ads?
Are you running TikTok Shop ads?
Are you willing to send 100 samples/day for your main SKUs?
Are you willing to send 100 samples/day for your main SKUs?
Describe your experience with TikTok Shop so far.
Are there currently any challenges you are currently facing with your TikTok Shop?