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Call for Speakers 2025

We’re thrilled to invite you to submit your talk or workshop proposal for the No-Code Week 2025 in Milan!

This year, we’re crafting a program designed to ignite creativity and deliver hands-on value to our attendees. Whether you’re an experienced speaker or a first-time presenter, we’re excited to hear your ideas.

We want sessions that:

• Share innovative projects or use cases in the no-code space.
• Dive deep into practical tools, workflows, or methodologies.
• Spark engaging discussions on the future of no-code, inclusivity, or industry trends.
• Offer hands-on learning experiences with immediate takeaways.

We welcome talks and workshops from all levels of expertise and perspectives. Most importantly, we value diversity and inclusion in our speaker lineup, so we strongly encourage submissions from underrepresented groups in tech.

Key Details :

• Applications open on Thursday, December 5th.

• The deadline to submit your proposal is January 31th.

• Selected speakers will be notified at the latest by February 27th. • There are 4 talk slots and 10 workshop slots available to fill

• If you’ve already purchased a ticket, don’t worry—if your proposal is selected, we’ll fully refund your ticket.
👉 If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Important note: the No-Code Week is a young event, and we're pretty tight on budget, so we can't offer transportation or accommodation to speakers, but of course, we'll refund your No-Code Week ticket in case you have already bought one. Thanks for your understanding.

🎙️ Session Details

What type of session are you proposing?

📅 The talks have been finalized, but you can still apply for workshops!
What type of session are you proposing?

What is the probable title of your session?

Don't worry: this doesn't have to be the final version!

Please provide a brief description of your session.

150–300 words. This should explain the key topics, purpose, and expected takeaways for attendees.

Do you already have slides or materials prepared?

You can submit them later, but the earlier, the better...
Do you already have slides or materials prepared?

Who is the target audience for your session?

Why are you the right person to give this talk/workshop?

Tell us about your experience or background that makes you uniquely suited to lead this session.

🗣️ Speaker Information

First name

Last Name


Business email

Phone number

Job title



Tell us a bit about yourself in 100–200 words. This will be used in the event’s program if you’re selected. You’ll have a chance to update it later if needed.


Upload a high-resolution headshot for the event program. You can update this later if selected.

👀 Additional Information

Do you have any comments or special considerations?

If you have specific availability constraints or additional information for the organizers, let us know here.
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