Pollutec 7-10 October 2025, Lyon (France)
Company number (12345677890)
Internal invoice Reference
I am a member of a cluster hosted by hub.brussels
Contact (e-mail direct)
Is my company on the path toward sustainable transition, respecting social and environmental dimensions?
Is my company on the path toward sustainable transition, respecting social and environmental dimensions?
Does my product or service support one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
Provide a brief description of your company's activities and services
How are your products and/or services relevant to Pollutec?
What are your motivations and expectations for participating in Pollutec 2025?
I would like to participate in the fair as an exhibitor. My registration is subject to availability and will only be confirmed upon payment of the participation fees, which represent a percentage of the actual cost (€)
I would like to participate in the fair as an exhibitor. My registration is subject to availability and will only be confirmed upon payment of the participation fees, which represent a percentage of the actual cost (€)
I have read and accept the general terms and conditions of participation.
conditions de participation / deelnamevoorwaarden
I commit to paying the invoice before the start of the trade fair and understand that failure to do so will result in the stand being inaccessible
I commit to paying the invoice before the start of the trade fair and understand that failure to do so will result in the stand being inaccessible
I acknowledge that if I cancel less than 30 days before the event, I will be required to pay hub.brussels the cost of the space offered and its setup at cost price, 8.300 eur ex VAT
I acknowledge that if I cancel less than 30 days before the event, I will be required to pay hub.brussels the cost of the space offered and its setup at cost price, 8.300 eur ex VAT
I agree to complete the evaluation form provided by hub.brussels after the event. Within six months of the event, I will report the number of agreements signed or under negotiation as a result of the event
I agree to complete the evaluation form provided by hub.brussels after the event. Within six months of the event, I will report the number of agreements signed or under negotiation as a result of the event