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L&D Shakers:
Experts and Tools Marketplace
The information you will share here will be added to the Marketplace overview.
What is your company name?
Describe your service or product in a nutshell:
What's the concrete value it adds to L&D? (in case you would like to add more details regarding your service/ product)
Some customers you worked with are:
What is the type of service you are offering?
What is the type of service you are offering?
Consultancy for LnD / HR
Content Authoring Platforms
E-learning Courses: Off-the-shelve Solutions
LnD Skills Development (Courses, Learning Journeys etc).
LXP /LMS Platforms
Training Design and Delivery (offline, online, hybrid)
Workshop Design and Delivery
Virtual events/ training/ conference platform
Learning tools/ games / cards and facilitation resources
What's your field of expertise?
What's your field of expertise?
Change Management
Coaching and Mentoring
Content Curation
Content Creation
Leadership Development
Learning Culture
Learning Design
Performance Consulting
Virtual/ Online/ Digital Learning
Instructional Design
Organizational Design
Event / training management
Company Culture
Learning Measurement/Training Evaluation
Please add the link to your website below:
Please upload your company logo here:
Click to choose a file or drag here
Size limit: 10 MB
How can L&D Shakers contact you for a possible collaboration?