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We appreciate you checking out Supporty! 🥹

Supporty is a simple, no 🐮💩 solution that can turn your Slack workspace into a customer support chat. Supporty enables you to do these after integrating into your Slack workspace.

1️⃣ Receive customer inquiries on Slack workspace and answer on Slack
2️⃣ Provide FAQ, so customers can get their answer even before you answer
3️⃣ Collect customer contacts before they leave so you can contact them for follow-ups

Let me know more about you

Which tool do you currently use for customer support?

Which tool do you currently use for customer support?

What is your team’s biggest challenge in customer support?

What is your team’s biggest challenge in customer support?

How many people in your team would use Supporty?

Team Size?

How likely would you be to purchase it for a one-time price of $300 for a lifetime license?

Untitled multiple choice field

Let me know your name and Email, I will only use them to ask for feed back