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LongJump Funding Application

LongJump currently reviews applications on a rolling, monthly basis. You will receive a decision, either way, from our team and can expect to hear from us within 90 days of your submission. Review the application in full/save your own template here. We recommend using the template to save your answers if you cannot complete your application in one sitting. You will receive an email confirming receipt with a copy of your application after submission. For other questions, check out or reach out at [email protected].

Section 1: Basic Information

Your Full Name

Your Email Address

Your Phone Number

Your LinkedIn

Your Company's Name

Your Company's Website

Have you applied to LongJump before with this business?

Have you applied to LongJump before with this business?

LongJump only invests in US-based founders located outside of major startup hubs (San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston). Are you located in the US outside one of these cities?

LongJump only invests in US-based founders located outside of major startup hubs (San Francisco, New York City, Los Angeles, Boston). Are you located in the US outside one of these cities?

Please briefly describe where your founders are located and your company is headquartered.

Please provide a short description (1-2 sentences!) about what your company does.

If you have a demo of your product or video explaining your service, please provide the link.

Which of the following categories best applies to your business?

Section 2: Your Team

When did you start working on this? An estimated date is fine.  

Tell us about your founding team. What makes you the right team to solve this problem? Who on the team is part-time versus full-time?

Tell us about something you've done in the past that required grit and resilience. What things helped you work through that challenge? What did you learn from it?

LongJump produces quarterly gatherings in Chicago for our portfolio companies. These are special opportunities to connect with our network of founders, operators, and investors. We expect all LongJump portfolio companies to prioritize these dates and make their best attempt to attend. If you are selected for investment, you will receive this year's dates at onboarding.

LongJump produces quarterly gatherings in Chicago for our portfolio companies. These are special opportunities to connect with our network of founders, operators, and investors. We expect all LongJump portfolio companies to prioritize these dates and make their best attempt to attend. If you are selected for investment, you will receive this year's dates at onboarding.

Section 3: Your Business

Tell us about your business. What does (or will) your company make? Please describe your product or service and how it works. Please use plain language, not jargon or marketing speak.

Please indicate the status of your solution.

Do you having paying users/have you made revenue?

Do you having paying users/have you made revenue?

Please provide any details on your company's traction thus far. This could be revenue, users, pilots, etc.

Who are (or will be) your customers? How do you know they want this? What experiments have you run to validate your hypothesis? Please share any work you've done with users/customers so far.

What's new, unique, or differentiated about your business when compared with competitors or alternatives? What substitutes do your customers resort to without your solution?

What is your business model? How do (or will) you make money? It’s okay if you aren’t generating any revenue yet. In that case, just give us your best estimates.

What needs to be true for you to generate $10 million in revenue in a year with this business? This could be the number of customers you would reach, specific market conditions, a technological shift you see coming, or something else.

Have you raised any money from outside investors yet? If yes, how much have you raised in total and on what terms? If you're fundraising currently, where are you at in the fundraising process?

Please share high level details on the current (or planned) ownership breakdown among each founder, employees, investors, and other stakeholders. 

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Section 4: Final Details

Do you or any members of your founding team identify as any of the below groups? Select all that apply. This question is not required -- we only use this data when assessing bias in our selection process.

Do you or any members of your founding team identify as any of the below groups? Select all that apply. This question is not required -- we only use this data when assessing bias in our selection process.

How did you hear about LongJump?

Are you okay with us sharing basic details about your company with other potential investors? We will only share the following items: Your Name, Your Email, Company Name, Company Website, Brief Company Description, and Industry Category. 

Are you okay with us sharing basic details about your company with other potential investors? We will only share the following items: Your Name, Your Email, Company Name, Company Website, Brief Company Description, and Industry Category.