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TACo (Threshold Access Control) 2-min Staker Preference Survey

TACo is the next piece of groundbreaking technology to be hosted on the Threshold Network – the world's first ever access control service that is both programmable (high-utility across diverse use cases) and decentralized (distributed across independently operated machines). With TACo, you can integrate uncensorable end-to-end encryption into virtually any Web3 application or use case.

What is the maximum length of time you are willing/able to lock up your T tokens in order to improve the TACo service?

Assume that longer lock-ups are beneficial to you in two ways: (1) Longer-lock ups improve TACo's security and value proposition to adopting devs; and therefore you are contributing to a collective effort to potentially generate more revenue. (2) Stakers with longer lock-ups are likely to be chosen to service more adopters, and therefore may receive greater compensation.
What is the maximum length of time you are willing/able to lock up your T tokens in order to improve the TACo service?

What is the maximum length of time you would be willing/able to lock your T tokens if a one-off yield bonus was offered? The longer the lock-up, the larger the bonus.

Assume the benefits from the previous question still apply. For more details, check out the Bonus subsection of the TACo Staking documentation.
What is the maximum length of time you would be willing/able to lock your T tokens if a one-off yield bonus was offered? The longer the lock-up, the larger the bonus.

Do you independently operate a Threshold node?

Do you independently operate a Threshold node?
Thank you! Your answers are immensely helpful as we develop the service-side and demand-side markets for TACo.