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Join the AI Revolution: Student Registration for Learn with Wersel Leaders Desk AI Lifecycle Course

We're thrilled you're interested in joining our dynamic and diverse community of Learn with Wersel Leaders Desk. By filling out this application, you're taking the first step towards a rich learning experience in our AI Lifecycle course. Please provide the information requested below, so we can assess your suitability for the program and tailor our course to better suit your educational and career goals. The application should take around 10-15 minutes to complete. If you have your resume and any relevant documents at hand, it'll make the process even quicker. All provided information will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to reviewing your application!

Tell us a bit more about yourself


University/College Name

University Course

Educational Qualification


Area of Interest




Skill Set

Skill Set

How did you hear about this job?

How did you hear about this job?