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Not Career Advice

About the column

Not Career Advice is a monthly a̶d̶v̶i̶c̶e̶ coaching column written by Taylor Elyse Morrison.
Each column asks and answers questions about "making it" in your career—and what that even means.
I've got background info below, or ⬇️ scroll to the bottom ⬇️ to share your question.

Why do you call it a coaching column?

I call it a coaching column because most people confuse coaching with advice. Do coaches sometimes offer advice? Absolutely.
But a coach's biggest job is to help their client find the answers that exist within. The most skilled coaches ask targeted questions, listen more than they talk, and only sprinkle in advice on occasion. I know it doesn't sound sexy when all you want is for someone to tell you The Answer, and that's why I started this column. Not Career Advice is a small way for you to experience how powerful not being told what to do can be.
I'll approach each question like a coaching session, offering observations, reflections, and resources.

What kinds of questions do you want?

Questions about your career, your experience at work, your business, your relationship to success, your creativity...
Which is to say, we cover a lot of ground in Not Career Advice. If it's related to work, it's probably on the table.
This is your chance to experience the power of coaching—for free!
Here are some questions to get you thinking:
- How do I decide whether to quit or pivot? I've been doing this business/project for a while, and I don't know if it's time to give up.
- I feel like my ideas aren't being heard in meetings. What do I do?
- I kind of want to [insert career/business possibility outside of the mainstream]. But I feel like people will judge me, and I also don't know where to start.
- This is my first time managing someone, and I'm terrified I'm going to traumatize them the same way my toxic boss traumatized me.

If your question gets picked, a response will definitely include a reflection question to point you back to your own wisdom.
You might also get insights from my own related experiences or recommendations for external resources.

Here's my question:

Psssst. If you feel like you're talking too much, you're probably doing it right. Just like in a real coaching session. :)

I'd like to be identified as...

You can use initials, your first name, a fake name—whatever you want!