Application form 7th Zirkus ON edition
The application form in German is available
Das Bewerbungsformular in deutscher Sprache ist
This is the application form in English language for an application for the 7th Zirkus ON Edition 2025-26.
The application is made digitally via the application form.
The form can be filled out in German or English.
Application period: 9.12.2024 - 6.2.2025
Application deadline: 6.2.2025 22:00 CET
This call is aimed at individual artists and companies who intend to create a pioneering work of contemporary circus art in Germany in 2025-2026.
Further information on the application conditions can be found at: and in the
FAQ on the call for proposals.
Contact for questions about the Zirkus ON call for applications by email to:
[email protected]Contact person for the application
Language/s for communication with Zirkus ON
Language/s for communication with Zirkus ON
Notes on communication with Zirkus ON for the application (optional)
The applicant(s) are working professionally and are not in full-time training/study in 2025-26
The applicant(s) are active in the circus arts or intend to enter this field
The applicant(s) have acknowledged that the programme will run for approximately 2 years and confirm(s) that their work will not be completed before January 2026.
Billing address/business location in Germany for the project
Content: Name, street + house no., zip code city
For the project, please enter either a billing address (for individual artists) or the place of business (for GbR/association). It must be an address in Germany.
The three residencies offered by the Creative Alliance (ideally 7 days each, min. 5 days) should take place between May and December 2025. Please name three periods in which the core team would be available for a residency:
Available on the dates mentioned:
digital: ON-Boarding 3/4/2025 12-14.00 CET, Presence: 31/05-06/06/2025 Opening Presentations
(including departure and return journey), Presence: 25-26/09/2025 Stage presentations (including departure and return journey)
I agree that alliance partners in the creative alliance (Kreationsbündnis für Zirkuskunst - Zirkus ON) may have access to my application and may contact me independently of the selection in the creation program.
If not final title, please add: (working title)
Name of the company/group (if available)
Name/s of all persons in the artistic core team
Content: First name Last name (pronoun), role/function in the project
Short profile of each person in the artistic core team (max. 500 characters per person)
Short profile of all persons in the artistic core team of the project
Content: Name, place of work, artistic focus/activity, 2-3 experiences, relevant in the context of this creation or reference (e.g. year: project/work experience)
Name(s) of all other persons involved in the project. (if applicable)
Content: First name Last name (pronoun), role/function in the project
Description of the project proposal (max. 1500 characters)
Content: artistic concept/research/approach to creation, artistic means and methodes, role of circus arts in the project, type of format/presentation, target groups
Artistic positioning/contextualization (max. 1500 characters)
Content: Project discourse and/or presentation of the artistic work in relation to society (political, social, cultural relevance of the project), reference to existing concepts and positioning on developments in circus arts in Germany
Overview of the chronological process (max. 1500 characters)
Content: Information on previous and planned creation phases (previous research phases/rehearsals, current status of the creation schedule, known dates+locations in 2025-26, confirmed residency and premiere dates.)
Motivation to apply (max. 1500 characters)
Content: Why do you want to be accompanied by the Creative Programme from April 2025? How would the creation programme benefit to your project? What are your needs for realising the project? (Expertise, collaborators, rooms, resources, contacts, coaching, financing/co-production, marketing/advertising, ...)
Mentoring (max. 350 characters)
Content: Part of the creation programme is a mentoring programme. Help us to find your mentor: What is your ideal profile? (Experience, skills, artistic approach, network, way of working together, type of mentoring, ...)
If applicable, please specify: Existing cooperation, already confirmed funding
Work sample as video (web link)
Format: Link/URL to a video
Duration: min. 1 min. - max. 2 min,
Video links: preferably Vimeo, Youtube
Content: Material, concept or prototype as an audio/visual impression of the creation already started
if necessary, enter the password for access here:
Upload field for voluntary attachment: Research (as web link)
Content: Documentation/insight into a core aspect of previous research on creation. Which (historical, contemporary, your own) artistic research and approaches are you referring to?
Format: Link/URL to a file on the web. The file can be either a video, audio, image or text file.
Please note: Duration of video and audio: max. 2 min.
Length of image/graphic, text: max. 2 x A4 pages
if necessary, enter the password for access here:
Upload field for further voluntary attachments: Riders (as .pdf)
Content: Tech/Tec Rider, Green Rider/Eco Rider or Access Rider
Format: Upload files merged as 1 .pdf file
Size: no limit