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Bundle o' Hearts

Hi, I'm Jane Lively from Lemon & Lively.
This is a free bundle, so we can all get a boost in growing our email lists.
Minimum list requirement: 50 subscribers
Reach so far: 3400+

This bundle will focus on self-care and celebrating Valentine’s Day on a singular level with pride! B2B things work, too, as my audience is half + half.

Preference will be shown to gender-neutral contributions (really simple: don’t apply a gender to it 🤷‍♀️ guys can enjoy bubble baths, too!) and lack of emphasis on dates (asexual people exist!)
I’m looking for digital products pertaining to self-care, doing things Future You will appreciate, etc. — things that answer the question, “How will you be kind to yourself this Valentine’s Day?”
I’m collecting things WAY ahead of this bundle so the December holiday rush doesn’t affect its happening. 😎


Bundle event: 1-10 February Application deadline: 15 November Submission deadline: 6 December Promo pack: 14 January Contributor/sponsor access: TBD Redemption period: 1-28th February Keep products redeemable until 2nd March to account for all time zones + avoid technical difficulties

What you can contribute

Products need to be a minimum of $9, or something you'd sell for $9, that hasn't been featured in a bundle since November 2024.
Attendees should be able to immediately access your submission, whether via coupon or email opt-in. Therefore, no 1:1 or pre-sell offers.
Things like
- E-books - E-courses - Templates - Workshops
Or even a special bundle of your own offers.
I will reject religious, heteronormative/anti-LGBTQ+, white supremacist and/or diet culture-related contributions. Acceptance is at my discretion & you'll be emailed whether you're accepted into the bundle or not.
You CAN and are recommended to have a tripwire after people opt-in for your freebie. You may only have an upsell if they're not required to fill out their payment info without it.

Promo requirements

You are required to send three (3) emails minimum to your audience. They do not have to be solo, but the bundle promo does need to be prominent.
WHY NO SOLO? Because of all the EMAILS bundles create. Because YOU know your audience best. Because YOU know what works best, we're letting you maintain your autonomy to choose how to best promote the bundle to YOUR audience.
You can do solo emails if you want. 💁‍♀️
"Email fatigue" is a thing, so you get to decide how you email about the bundle.
Accountability: There will be a promo verification form for you to submit a screenshot of your promo, so people are held accountable for promoting (so no one feels this is nilly-willy).
The promo pack (graphics + swipe copy) will be provided ahead of time so you can schedule your emails/be extra prepared by the promo dates. I will be highlighting different offers within the swipe copy, but you can change this to include your faves!

How the bundle will work for attendees
1. Attendees will opt-in via the sales page via their email.
2. They'll be redirected to the bundle access page, where they can filter/choose what goodies they want.
3. When they want a goodie, they'll click the link to go to your opt-in page and signup.
4. Throughout the event, attendees will receive 4 email reminders to sign-up for all the goodies they want.
5. Once the bundle ends, contributors + sponsors will be asked to complete post-bundle survey where they can request access to receive a bundle debrief.



Name you want to appear publicly

i.e. "by ____"

Your pronouns

Best email to contact you

Your website:

Email list size:

Will you promote the bundle between 1-10 February, 2025?

Will you promote the bundle between 1-10 February, 2025?

Who is this for?

Who is this for?

Name of product you're contributing:


This is for the application process, not for the redemption page.

Link to product:

Price of product:

Sponsor packages

My total reach is 3400+. I have a 49.76% open rate and 11.04% click-through rate (email marketing). This is excluding the total contributor reach (TBD). Sponsors can also circumvent the limit of when their contributed item was included in a bundle (i.e. it doesn't matter if it was in one last week if you're sponsoring). I won't accept religious/anti-LGBTQ+/diet culture sponsors. (You can mention/talk about your faith in your biz, of course.) Mini: $25 (unlimited) - Guaranteed contribution - Priority placement (in order of people who sign up to sponsor) above regular contributors - Special mention in joint reminder email to bundle attendees - Not required to promote bundle Major: $100 (limit 4) - Everything in Mini (priority placement above Mini sponsors) - Mentioned in swipe copy - Featured mention in reminder emails to bundle attendees with direct link to your contribution - Logo in footer of bundle pages (sales, redemption) - Solo email sent to bundle attendees + my full subscriber list after bundle ends - Feature shout-out in my newsletter after bundle ends

Are you interested in sponsoring the bundle?

Are you interested in sponsoring the bundle?

Anything else?