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Re-Join the Future Resources Community

On January 24th, the Future Resources team tried to delete the  but mistakenly removed all the people in that group from FED by Future Resources altogether. We apologize for the technical glitch and inconvenience this has caused.
To re-join, please message "Hello FR" to Lydia Caldana at +351 912 163 078 .
Again, apologies and thank you for your patience and being a part of the community.

Join the Future Resources Community
⚠️Only fill out this survey if you are 18 or older⚠️ This survey was designed to map the general profile of the Future Resources community, its members, and their preferences, to customize the content we currently bring even further. 🔒About our privacy policy: The sensitive information we are collecting is solely for the purpose of understanding Future Resources audiences. The survey collects your anonymized personal information. Respondents have the right to access, alter, and/or delete personal data collected in a survey. Please contact [email protected] to request it. The collected data will be kept for 10 years for profile mapping purposes only, with no commercial interest behind it.
What is your country of origin? (main nationality)
What’s your country of residence?
Which languages are you fluent in? (You comfortably read and write in) Select all that apply.
Languages spoken
How did you hear about Future Resources (select all that apply)?
Why do you want to join Future Resources' Community / Ecosystem?