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Instructions and entry form

The Riversong Short Story Contest seeks to highlight unique voices in the short story genre, as well as a place for new and up-and-coming writers to showcase their talent in publication.

The contest runs year around, with the collection of winners published in the fourth quarter of each year.

You may submit your story any time during the year—submissions after September 15 will be scheduled for the next year’s contest.

Deadline: September 15 each year

Word limit: 10,000 words

Genre and style: Any except erotica.

Entry fee: $29.00

Winners announced October 15

Riversong Books is an imprint of Sulis International Press

Review Process

All entries are blind reviews by a panel of editors, bloggers, writers, and publishers.
Judges will be looking for uniqueness of story, voice, plot , and literary skill.
All winners will be contacted privately, and the winning entries will be published in a volume of short stories in the fourth quarter of each year

Entry Form


Multiple selections allowed

Story Description (max 1000 characters)

Author bio (max 1500 characters)

Upload your story (MS Word, Apple Pages, RTF, Txt, etc.)

