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Austrian AI Jobs

Welcome to the free job board of AI Austria. Please fill in the form below and after a short sanity check we will show your ad in
A few housekeeping rules: 1. Job listings will be automatically removed after 45 days 2. This is a self-service board, upon submission changes are not possible. If you wish us to remove/change a job ping us: office at aiaustria dot com 3. please provide your company email address as a contact in case of questions. 4. do.not.spam 5. this is a free service we provide the Austrian AI community. If you want to support us follow us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our newsletter

Job Title

Job Link

Please provide a link to the specific job on you career page or the career page itself.

Job Category

Job Category

Location (City)

Feature job in the AI Austria newsletter

I herewith permit AI Austria to feature this job in their monthly newsletter.
Feature job in the AI Austria newsletter

Company Name

Your email address

This is for contact purposes only. We will NOT add you to any mailing list, CRM or whatsoever.

Company Logo

The logo will be shown together with the job. If you want to add multiple jobs you only need to upload the logo with the first ad, we will take care of the rest.