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SpanLula Application

SpanLula - Bridging the Digital Skills Gap

SpanLulais a Technology Skills Training Platform developed by KoenaConcepts, that is"Bridging the Digital Skills Gap in Africa"
This Application Form is to gather information from you about how much knowledge you currently have about technology.
The aim of this Application Form is also to ensure that we connect you with suitable technology training skills and opportunities.
We look forward to seeing you benefit from SpanLula.
For more information, you can contact: +233 55 681 4172 (Ghana); +27 63 949 1615 (South Africa)

Personal Information

Please provide us with your demographic details below.

What is your First Name?

What is your Last Name?

What is your Email Address?

What is your Mobile Number?

What area do you stay in?

What is your highest level of education?

What is the name of the last educational institution you attended?

Knowledge of Technology

The questions below focus on understanding what access to technology skills training opportunities you currently have and which skills you'd be interested in pursuing.

Do you know about any technology skills training opportunities that exist locally or online?

Do you know about any technology skills training opportunities that exist locally or online?

If you answered yes above, what technology skills training opportunities do you know of?

Which of the following Technology Skills Training courses would you be interested in?

Which of the following Technology Skills Training courses would you be interested in?

Technology Resources

This last section of questions is to understand the technology resources you have at your disposal, to be able to complete these courses effectively.

Which of these do you have access to?

Which of these do you have access to?

Which of these do you have access to?

Which of these do you have access to?


Do you have a family member, friend, or any young person that you know who may benefit from gaining access to Technology Skills Training and Job Opportunities? Then please share their name, surname, email, and mobile number below!