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Client Feedback Form

Your feedback means the world to me as it helps me to understand my strengths in this role as a coach and also, what areas I may need to improve on to make this experience better for you and future clients.

Let's Start with the Basics 🤩

What is your first and last name?

How do you identify?

How do you identify?

How would you like me to refer to you?

How would you like me to refer to you?

What is your email address?

Time to Dive Deeper đź’ˇ

What challenges or difficulties made you want to seek out life coaching?

How were these challenges impacting your lifestyle?

Were there any hesitations or concerns before making the decision to work with me? 

How would you describe your experience during our coaching sessions?

What are you most proud of yourself for during this coaching journey?

What have you learned that you will always carry forward with you throughout your life?

What would you change, if anything, about this coaching experience?

What would you like to say to anyone who may be hesitating to work with me?

Can I use your testimonial in my marketing?

Can I use your testimonial in my marketing?
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Your feedback is valued!