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Student Feedback

We are committed to curating an incredible experience for students & clients within Empowered Healers Academy.

Whether something didn't sit right OR you'd like to acknowledge what you loved, we'd love to hear from you.
Here are some examples of things we encourage as feedback:
● Did any of the facilitators say, do, or teach something in a way that was incongruent with EHA Core Values?
● Did you find yourself disrespected by another student in the class?
● Was there something that was said, done, or taught that made you feel really seen? Empowered? Excited?
● Was there a way that the program could run more efficiently, or course content you wish was included?
● Did you have a concern about another one of the students behaviours or professionalism?
And of course, anything else you think is valuable for us to know or you feel needs to be voiced.
Your feedback matters, and we want to hear from you :)


Please be as detailed and objective as possible.
If you're writing feedback about another student, please include their name.