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Personal information

Full name

Preferred pronouns

Email address

Phone number


Optionally, share links to any of your online presence(s)

Please introduce yourself personally in whatever way feels natural to you. Make sure to include a bit about your personal interests and practices and why you’re interested in this role

Skills and Experience

Provide an overview of your past/current work experience, or alternatively upload a resume/CV below

Web Tech: Describe any practical experience & competency with web tools and technologies

Visual & Editing: Describe your practical experience & competency with photo/video editing and graphic design tools and workflows

Writing & Communication: Share a brief writing sample or link to something you’ve written. You could also describe your experience with effective written communication through various channels

Strategic Planning & Project Management: Describe a strategy you developed and/or a project you managed from start to finish, with reference to challenges and adaptations

Work Style & Availability

Describe your experience with and approach to remote work arrangements:

What’s your current availability in terms of hours per week?

What else would you like to share? You are invited to write more about yourself or your vision for the role and any feedback you have for Nuria