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ADMD Guest Post Request

Thank you for your interest in writing for ADMD! First, a bit of context.

About ADMD

Attention Deficit Marketing Disorder (ADMD) is a newsletter by Mariya Delano from Kalyna Marketing. It's a bit of an unusual publication, since ADMD marketing newsletter that talks about loss, grief, fear, joy, and love. We cover practical issues in marketing and content work. But we approach them like art, thinking about things that marketers are often afraid to face head on.
To read some sample issues of ADMD to get a sense of our tone, check out the following examples:

About You

Have you read our guest writer guidelines?

Have you read our guest writer guidelines?

Tell us a bit about yourself

What do you do and what is your relationship to marketing and/or content creation?

This isn't a test, we'd simply like to get some context on your areas of expertise!

About Your Post

What is your post about? (Topic and suggested title)

How will this post add value to our readers?

Will you need any editorial or idea development help?

If we like your topic and think you'd make a good fit for our newsletter, we might be able to help you craft your piece and make it as amazing as possible. (However, this will likely delay publication as our time is limited.)
Will you need any editorial or idea development help?

Anything else you'd like us to know about your post?

How would you like to submit your draft?

How would you like to submit your draft?