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1:1 Writer Accountability (beta)

Hi friend!

Thank you so much for your interest in the beta version of my upcoming Accountability Program for writers. I'm so excited to finally get this out into the world, and I'm even more excited you are interested in it so I actually have someone to help me test it out!
Let's get into it!
This is a 1:1 Accountability program, not a group program. If you are looking for a group program, stay tuned. I may have one in the future! Otherwise, keep reading!

Here's what you get:

In exchange for your beta testing, you'll get into the 30-day program at a super low cost, and be locked in at this cost for at least the first year (even if you leave and come back).

During the 30 days, you’ll get 1:1 support to help you with mindset, getting out of your own way, and anything else you might need (within limits… we can do some brainstorming if time allows, but I won’t be able to review any pages or any work completed during the 30 days. If you need more intensive coaching, I invite you to get in touch to discuss other options, including bespoke programs). The key to this program is the accountability. You'll have me, a book coach and story strategist, in your back pocket for 30 days.

What you get in the end is based solely on the goals we create at the beginning of the program and on the work YOU put into it!

Your dreams start with you, after all!

What I hope to get from you:

As a beta tester, my hope is you'll help me shape the program, test out a few things I've been playing with, help me name it, and at the end provide feedback so other amazing writers like you will be excited to join. I have plans to create a referral program so you can get paid for referring your writing friends!
I'd love to get to know you better, so I can design the program with you and what you need in mind!
This should only take about 5 minutes of your time!
I'm looking forward to helping you in any way I can, so please don't hold back with the questions or feature requests! 🙂

The basics

What is your name?

What is your email address?

Where do you live?

The Program

I want to design a program that best suits all different kinds of writers, but also has flexibility to be personalized. Please respond to the questions below to help me gather information about what you would expect or want in an accountability program for writers.

What do you need the most help with? (check all that apply)

What do you need the most help with? (check all that apply)

How would you like to communicate throughout the program?

How would you like to communicate throughout the program?

Would you like to have the ability to track a daily (or regular) writing habit?

Would you like to have the ability to track a daily (or regular) writing habit?

All about your writing life!

Tell me about your current writing life

Tell me about your dream writing life

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to writing

What do you love the most about writing (or what comes easy to you)?

What would success look like to you at the end of a 30-day accountability program for writers?

Any specific-to-you features you'd like to request?

Give me your wishlist of all the things!

Any questions, comments, concerns?

Let 'em rip!

Want to chat more about your answers? You can book a free 20-min slot with me here! (you'll have an opportunity to book later, too)

Thanks for answering all the questions. I'll be in touch soon!