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KURT App Interest Form


Between June and October 2024, we developed a new mobile app for KURT featuring 4x faster performance, 3D maps of study spaces, Face ID authentication for booking and check-in, and smart seat-finding capabilities that work even when the library is full.

After dozens of emails, and a series of presentations with the KURT team, we received an unexpected rejection with no actionable feedback. This decision feels like a major missed opportunity, both for students and for the university itself.

If you believe that improving KURT would benefit the student community, please read our open statement, which explains what happened, and fill out this form expressing interest in the app. Your feedback will be used as a proof of importance of this project for students.

How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us?

How often do you study in KURT libraries?

How often do you study in KURT libraries?

When is your go-to time for studying at the libraries?

When is your go-to time for studying at the libraries?

What's the primary way you pick seats?

What's the primary way you pick seats?

What are the hardest aspects of using the official KURT web app?

What operating system do you have?

What operating system do you have?

Do you have any feature requests or ideas?

How can we contact you?

Please provide your handle or phone number and mention the platform where we can find you, such as Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, or another platform.