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The Spiritual Awareness Assessment What's Your Spiritual Awareness Score?

🤔 20 Quick Questions
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Get an evaluation of your spiritual growth and receive practical guidance on how to awaken your spiritual potential.

Welcome to this self-assessment journey designed to help you gauge your current spiritual growth and uncover areas of potential expansion.
Although spiritual growth can never be truly quantified, this assessment is designed to give you insight into your spiritual development using four essential virtues as a measure. Together, they form a foundation for conscious living and spiritual transformation.

The 4 essential spiritual virtues you'll be assessed on are:

🧘‍♂️ Discipline: your commitment to self-control and spiritual practice
🤲 Detachment: non-attachment to your actions and the ego
🔬 Discernment: your intellectual clarity of perception into truth and wisdom
❤️‍🔥 Devotion: loving dedication to your higher purpose and the divine
For the most accurate results, it's essential to answer honestly and without judgment. This quiz is a tool for self-reflection, not a measure of your self-worth or a comparison to others' paths.

Are you ready to discover your Spiritual Awareness Score?