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iVenture Cohort 11 Interest Form

Welcome to the iVenture Accelerator's interest form! This is meant for those who are interested in applying, but not quite at the point where they think their application will be competitive.
Please fill out this form to get on our radar for teams to look out for! Of course, you are free to fill out the actual application form when you are ready.
To talk further or learn more, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. We look forward to getting to know you!

First name

Last name

What is your email?

About the venture

Venture name

Describe your venture in 200 characters or less.

What problem are you solving, and why did you pick this idea to work on? What's new about your solution?

What is the product or service you are developing?

What industry best describes your market:

What industry best describes your market:

If your market is something other than what was listed above, please share here.

Do you have a grand 5-10 year vision?

About the team

How many people are on the team and how many are based out of UIUC? When is everyone's graduation date?

What are your biggest hurdles right now? What areas of support does your team need the most?

Don't worry if you're selecting too many – iVenture is an educational accelerator.
What are your biggest hurdles right now? What areas of support does your team need the most?

If your biggest hurdles / support needs include something other than what was listed above, please share here.

If you have an online demo, what's the URL?

Please don't password protect it; just use an obscure url (e.g. a link). Feel free to attach an attachment at the end of this application that gives an indication of your startup idea, model, progress, team, etc. (Max file size 30MB.)

Upload any relevant files here:

Final Thoughts

Would you like to add anything else?

How did you hear about iVenture?

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