PNWCL 2024 Submission Form (all Holidays
Information provided on this form is not shared externally with any 3rd party and once collected is saved on an encrypted external drive. Information collected is to ensure display is valid and legit, and for our team exclusively to be able to reach out and contact you in case of additional information is needed, or to confirm for the following year. Also if you use Facebook please consider joining our Display owner group to network with other like-minded decorators.
Please provide your Email address
May we contact you via E-Mail next year to confirm your display for 2024? We will not Spam you, and will likely be reaching out in August (for Halloween) or Early November 2025 (for Christmas).
May we contact you via E-Mail next year to confirm your display for 2024? We will not Spam you, and will likely be reaching out in August (for Halloween) or Early November 2025 (for Christmas).
Please provide your First and Last Name
How did you find our little project? We enjoy knowing how people have found us.
Are you a current display or are you new here?
Are you a current display or are you new here?
Please Provide FULL ADDRESS (Please include City and State details)
What State is your display location in (this helps us sort the form by location)
What State is your display location in (this helps us sort the form by location)
Does your Display have a name(s) please provide them here. If unnamed we reserve the right to create one as a placeholder (sometimes these become the official name)
Does your display have a webpage or Social media page? Please provide details or link. Put N/A otherwise
Do your display collect for a charitable cause? Please provide details here, and if available a link to donate online.
Is your display Christmas, Halloween, Both, or More?
Is your display Christmas, Halloween, Both, or More?
What type of Christmas Display do you run?
What type of Christmas Display do you run?
What are the Dates and Times the Christmas display run? (Please be Detailed)
Please provide details about your Christmas/Winter holidays display. Please provide a description to include on the map so visitors will know what to expect to see when they visit. PLEASE include any FM station you broadcast on for light shows that do so.
Any other information you want to provide? Specific directions to approach, other details, etc...
Upload Display photos if you have them for the map listing. Size limit by Tally is 10MB per photo.