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Moderator Application

This application is to apply to become a moderator for the online convention Callopie Con!
Please understand that due to the nature of the con, this position is completely voluntary, and money is not involved in any way
Take all the time you need to fill this form out to the best of your abilities! No decisions on the staff team will be made until after the form closes April 6th. Thank you for your time!
And for those who don't get picked at first, don't worry! We hope to grow our con, and your application will be saved for a later date.

Tell us a bit more about yourself

Do you have any previous modding experience?

Do you have any previous modding experience?

How did you hear about this Moderation opportunity?

How did you hear about this Moderation opportunity?

Why do you wish to help out CIC?

What Timezone do you live in? (UTC answers work)


Are you free between May-June?

Are you free between May-June?

Are you okay sitting in during pannels and watching the chat to make sure everyone is being respectful?

Are you okay sitting in during pannels and watching the chat to make sure everyone is being respectful?

What is the best way to contact you?

Silly Question - What's your favorite Indie show, comic or video game?

All of the information in this form will only be seen by Apollo H and Indigoed. None of your answers will be shared with other applicants or anyone on our discord server. We will review your answers, and if you've been accepted you'll get an email through [email protected] with the link to our discord server.
Thank you for your time! We'll back to you soon!