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Pet Portrait Photo Submission

What's your email address?

Please upload a photo of your pet's face where:

- the pet is facing towards the camera
- you can see both of the pet's eyes
- the details of the pet's face are visible and illuminated
A cute photo is not always the best photo for a portrait!
Check the examples below: the first image shows Sylvie's face close up and clearly, and she is facing the camera. The shape of her head, placement of her ears, shape and size of her nose and muzzle, and expression of her eyes are all clear. This is a good pet portrait reference photo.
In the second image, Sylvie's face is obstructed by a (large) treat she has in her mouth, and she's looking away from the camera. It's very cute, but this is not the best pet portrait reference photo.
In the third image, Sylvie is looking down to grab a toy, and her face is in the dark of the photo. Again it's cute, but this is not a good pet portrait reference photo.

What's your pet's name?