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Uxcel Event Host Application

Thanks for being interested in hosting or promoting an event with Uxcel! Whether you want to host an event with Uxcel or are organizing an event and are looking for ways to boost your event's reach, we’re excited to collaborate with you.

Please fill out this quick form to tell us more about yourself, your event, and how we can support you. Just fill in the details below, and we’ll be in touch soon! Before you start, take a moment to check out this guide.

Let's start with your personal details

Do you want to host an event with Uxcel or promote your own?

Which event type would you like to host?

Which event type would you like to host?
Please check out our guide for more information about Uxcel events.

How would you rate your hosting experience, on a scale from 1 to 10?

How would you rate your hosting experience, on a scale from 1 to 10?

Have you joined any Uxcel events before?

What motivates you to host an event with Uxcel?

What’s the title of your event?

Give us a quick event description (up to 800 characters):

List three key takeaways for attendees:

Let us know your preferred date for the event:

Let us know your preferred time for the event:

Upload a profile picture for promotional materials (make sure your shoulders are visible):

Give us a short biography (up to 400 characters):