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古印度梵文傳統劇場表演 Kutiyattam

監制: 黃景業 Production manager: Will WONG KENG IP

Kutiyattam 是印度最古老的梵文傳統劇場,以劇種獨特美學、深層的詩意、及豐富比喻聞名。被聯合國教育科學暨文化組織UNESCO 承認為印度第一個的人類口述和非物質遺產代表作名錄。 Kutiyattam is the oldest traditional Sanskrit theater in India and is famous for its unique aesthetics, deep poetry, and rich metaphors. It is recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO as India's first Representative List of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.


AJAKARAKABALITHA – The Survival Struggle of An Elephant 

關於比姆(Bhim)(《摩訶婆羅多》角色之一)森林探險的故事。他先看到龐大的森林,再看到各種動物。演員會化身為不同的動物,如大象、蛇和獅子,以展示獅子和蛇試圖攻擊大象的景況。演員將透過表演它們之間的鬥爭和戰鬥,展示森林的野性。 Performance introduction: A story about Bhim’s forest adventure. He first saw the huge forest and then various animals. Actors will transform into different animals, such as elephants, snakes and lions, to show lions and snakes trying to attack elephants. Actors will show the wild nature of the forest by performing struggles and battles between them.

#演出時長約75分鐘,全程以少量梵文吟誦,以肢體及眼神去說故事 # The performance will be performed with a small amount of Sanskrit chanting throughout the performance, and the body and eyes will be used to tell the story

表演者Performer: Ramith Ramesh, India (印度)

現場鼓手Live drummer: Kalamandalam Vijay, India (印度)

演出時間, Time:


7月5日, 5 July 20:00

7月6日, 6 July 20:00

7月7日, 7 July 20:00


木匠巷4號華發大廈地下G座 (木匠盒子) G, Edificio Va Fah, 8/ A R. da Ribeira do Patane, Macao Google map link:

票價Tick Price:Mop $150

優惠 Discount:

- 三人同行價 Mop 360/3張 Mop 360/3pax

- 全日制學生及澳門演藝學院學生 Mop$120 Full-time students and Stduents from Conservatório de Macau, Mop 120/pax

- 莎娜八五三瑜伽教育中心及維德藝術文化教育中心會員享優惠價: Mop 120
Members of Yoga Shala 853 and V Studio Macau enjoy discount price: Mop 120

聯絡方式Contact: 如有任何疑問,請以電郵 If you have any question, please email to [email protected] 或 or Whatsapp 62825649 或 or Wechat ID: wongkengip (黃先生 Mr. Wong) 聯絡我們 contact us

主辦:#澳門影子傳藝劇團 Organize: #Macao Shadow Play 合作夥伴:#澳門印度文化協會

Colloboration: #Indian Culture Association of Macau

* 本項目獲澳門文化發展基金資助。 * This project is funded by Fundo de Desenvolvimento da Cultura

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場次 Date, time of the show

場次 Date, time of the show

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BOC bank of China 中銀 (澳門 Macao)
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