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Sharing The Middle Podcast Interest

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on Sharing The Middle. This will give me an idea of who you are, your story to share, and how we can best work together.
Sharing The Middle is a space to share the messy middles of our lives. In sharing our stories we help others deal with their own middles and help people be more seen. This is part of the overall Joyful Support Movement Network and is ultimately based in accepting the bad, embracing joy, and supporting those we can.
Learn more about the Joyful Support Network!



Website/Instagram/TikTok so I can learn a little more about you!

Is there a organization or product you're looking to promote?

Please answer a few short questions to help me get to know you and prep you for what we would chat about.

Think about a time where you looked around and realized you were in the middle and it made you uncomfortable. This may be a time where you weren’t the best but wanted to be, in the middle of a struggle, the middle of a phase or stage of life, etc. What was that moment and what did it look like?

Do you have your own podcast and would like to cross promote?

Is there an ideal approximate date for your episode to come out? I can use this to help with planning/scheduling to the best of my ability but it will ultimately depend on the existing publishing schedule.

Anything else you'd like to share?