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Entrepreneur Sailing Retreat 2024

This is an application to join Light Club's Croatia Entrepreneur Sailing Retreat in July 19th-26th, 2024.

What is your name?

What is your email address?

What is your Instagram Handle?

What is your phone number?

Why are you interested in the Entrepreneur Sailing Retreat in Croatia?

What kind of people do you want to surround yourself with?

What would make this experience a "heck yes" for you to join?

Where are you currently in your business? How can our community help you grow?

Thank you for filling out this form!
When you submit this form you will be re-directed to book a call with Patrick Farrell. This call will take place over Zoom. Be sure to show up for this call in a quiet place. Please do not take this call while driving. We look forward to speaking with you.