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Interest in Posts Replacement

Following the (heartbreaking) announcement of Posts closure, I'm keen to keep the spirit of the platform alive. Like many, I've been frustrated with the state of socials for a while now, having a space like Posts to escape to was a blessing. Where else can you go to find a friendly (and safe) corner of the web to connect with like minded folks and build community? Seemingly nowhere now.
I've been thinking about building a social app for the past 5+ years, having an app like Posts satisfied that itch, but with it's closure and the ever worsening bullshit that Meta keep pulling off, I want to give it a go. I'm not interested in building the next Instagram, I just want a friendly space where we can come together, connect, share, and be ourselves.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, drop your details below.
- Otter

Preferred Name
