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Streamlined Installation Wizard

To help you install the right app for your business, I've created this installation wizard which will help you to install any of my public or private apps.

Which app do you want to install?

Which app do you want to install?

Where do you want to install the app?

Where do you want to install the app?
Agency: Install an app here if you'd like to use it with multiple sub-accounts.
This is especially useful if you select all sub-accounts, then check the option to "Enable Automatic Future Installation" which will add the app automatically to any new locations you create under your agency.
Note: You can only install apps at the agency level if you are on the $297 or $497 plan.
If you are on the $97/month plan, then you can only install apps at the location level.
Location: Install the app here if you only need it for a single location, and never plan to add it to any other sub-accounts.