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Chapter 50 survey - write your own chapter. Help us to help you!

Please help us to improve our service offering by completing this questionnaire. Please provide as much detail as possible.
The information provided on this survey will be held by Age Concern County Durham (trading as Age UK County Durham) on computerised and/or manual files in accordance with the organisation's retention schedule. The information provided will be used for research purposes within Age UK County Durham only. Age UK County Durham is a registered Data Controller in accordance with UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018.

Before today, did you know that we work with adults from the age of 50?

Before today, did you know that we work with adults from the age of 50?

What age range are you?

What age range are you?

Are you currently engaging with our services?

Are you currently engaging with our services?

What is your gender?

What is your gender?

Where in County Durham do you reside? (please select the area closest to you)

Where in County Durham do you reside? (please select the area closest to you)

Do you have a long-term health condition?

Do you have a long-term health condition?

Tell us about any challenges you may face in your local community (please tick all that apply)

Tell us about any challenges you may face in your local community (please tick all that apply)

Consider your financial wellbeing and security. Which of the following would you like us to provide more support on?

Consider your financial wellbeing and security. Which of the following would you like us to provide more support on?

Considering your previous answers, tell us what support you need from us the most? (please tick all that apply)

Considering your previous answers, tell us what support you need from us the most? (please tick all that apply)

Which of the following topics would be of most interest to you? (please select all options which are of interest to you)

Which of the following topics would be of most interest to you? (please select all options which are of interest to you)

What time of day is most appropriate for you to attend events and activities?

What time of day is most appropriate for you to attend events and activities?

How would you prefer to communicate with us and see any advertisements we may send out?

How would you prefer to communicate with us and see any advertisements we may send out?

Please use this box to tell us about any suggestions or ideas you may have, which we have not covered in the above questions: