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Lingua3 DAO Freshman Onboarding Questionnaire

Our mission is to establish an open and inclusive community that provides non-native English speakers a platform for mutual learning and experience sharing. We believe that through collaborative learning and cooperation, we can achieve greater success in the world of Web3.

Let's start with your personal details

Tell us about your experience in Web3

Where do you work now and what is your current job?

What Country/City do you live in?

What is your current English level?

What is your current English level?

What do you hope to gain from the Lingua3 DAO(Sort priority)

What do you hope to gain from the Lingua3 DAO(Sort priority)

What resources or topics are you most interested to learn about?

What resources or topics are you most interested to learn about?

Do you have any suggestions or needs that you'd like to share with the Lingua3 DAO?

We welcome you ashore to share our insights in English.
Today might not be your first encounter with an English-speaking community, but we hope that you can remember your original intentions for joining Lingua3DAO at the starting point. Enjoy and have fun, here's a little star for you.
Untitled rating field