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Expedition for Women with a Disability or Chronic Condition

Women Emerging (WE) is a global movement which over the past three years has connected thousands of women across the world via an online community. In 2022, a diverse group of 24 women from across the community embarked on an expedition to find ‘an approach to leadership that would resonate with women.’ Rather than develop ‘an’ approach, they created a ‘map’, an outline for women across the world to embark on their own expeditions.  

This expedition is aimed to empower women leading with a disability or chronic condition to find an ‘approach to leading’ specific to their experiences. The expedition will support the women in their own leading, connect them as a collective group and guide them to produce an approach which can be shared with women across the world who are leading with a disability.

Expedition date: October '24 - April '25

First Name

Last Name

What is your e-mail address?

Where are you leading?

Where do you currently live?

Disability or chronic condition (if you feel comfortable sharing):

Additional information you would like us to know:

Why do you want to join us in this expedition?

The expedition will require you to commit time each month. Approximately 2.5 hours for a zoom call and a minimum of 2 hours ‘exploring’ individually. Would you be able to commit to this?

The expedition will require you to commit time each month. Approximately 2.5 hours for a zoom call and a minimum of 2 hours ‘exploring’ individually. Would you be able to commit to this?

Where did you hear about Women Emerging and the Expedition?

Where did you hear about Women Emerging and the Expedition?