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Project SS | Official Form

Welcome to the official Project SS form. Here you can: - Submit any feedback to the project (broken links, spelling mistakes, and any other constructive feedback). - Submit any resources, platforms and research you'd like to share. - Signup as a volunteer for a particular task. - Submit any ideas for the initiative. - Contact the project owner for any enquiries.

SS General Feedback & Enquiries

Your Message

Positive & Constructive Feedback

Anything Else

SS Submission for Resource, Platform & Any other Information

Submit Resource(s)

Feel free to share a link to the resource(s) you'd like to submit. We accept Google Drive/Dropbox folders, websites and other platforms.

Submit a Platform(s)

Recommend a platform for resources? We are looking for credible platforms that may contain helpful resources in the space of self sustainment. Platforms can be other organisations, business and teams of any scale or size.

Flag a Resource(s)

Noticed a copyrighted resource? Found a file which doesn't seem applicable for the project? Noticed a book in the wrong folder? Share any feedback for the resources below.

Volunteer Section

What opportunity are you interested in volunteering for?

What opportunity are you interested in volunteering for?

I have another idea for the project

Contact Email

Are there any further details you'd like to share?