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MC²Fi - Community Support

📍Hey there! Thanks for your interest in MC²Finance, a non-custodial & multichain platform that decentralizes Web3 copy trading (learn more here).
This form is intended for people wishing to contribute to growing and managing the MC²Fi Community. This is a pre-screening for positions at various roles and levels closer to the core team, and the form is intended to try to get to know the real you and your thinking process. You will need to show some level of proactiveness by sharing our MC²Fi core mission.
Your answers will only be visible to a few members of the MC²Fi core team. We will never share your information with anyone.
If you´d like a more general spokesperson role, please refer to our ⭐ Ambassadors Program.

This form is intended for helping us grow and manage the MC²Finance Community. Does this fit your description?

This form is intended for helping us grow and manage the MC²Finance Community. Does this fit your description?

What is your real name?

What is your telegram?

For how many months have you already been active in Web3/Crypto communities?

How would you rate your understanding of (crypto) trading?

From never done to running permanent portfolio on DEXs
How would you rate your understanding of (crypto) trading?

How many communities have you been actively involved with?

How many communities have you managed?

Only relevant for community managers who have assumed daily responsibilities in community coordination - write 0 if not relevant.

What was the biggest community you took an active role in?

How well can you communicate in English?

According to CEFR International Language Standards: (A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2). You can take the test for free here if you are unsure.
How well can you communicate in English?
A1 - LowC2 - High

Do you have moderation experience?

Do you have moderation experience?

How would you suggest we grow our Twitter following?

How would you suggest we get more Social Traders to sign up to our early beta program?

How confident are you about curating a twitter-content plan about trading strategies from famous social traders?

How confident are you about curating a twitter-content plan about trading strategies from famous social traders?

Have you ever managed partnerships for a community?

What strategy would you implement to maximize partnerships for growing the MC²Fi community?

Have you worked with NFT Drops before?

What are 1 or 2 ambassador programs you really like and think would be successful strategies for MC²Fi?

What type of engagement you are looking for?

What type of engagement you are looking for?
Untitled checkboxes field

What timezone are you most often in?

Show Us You You Are Proactive!

Please retweet one of our original tweets on Twitter

1. Add your own comment in English 2. Add our username @mc2_fi. 3. You also have the option to include media. 4. Don´t forget to follow us!

Have you Introduced yourself to the Telegram group?

1. Join the Channel 2. Introduce yourself to the community!
We are looking for people who are not afraid to keep the community engaged so a good introduction about yourself is essential.

Do you want to connect on LinkedIn?

1. You can connect with Marine & Chris - mention your interest in community support. 2. Keep an eye open for openings within the core team on our LinkedIn Page!

Do you agree to the Terms and Conditions?

Do you agree to the Terms and Conditions?