We are just starting to organize and plan the Radical & Critical Reading Collective, an explicitly progressive/left-ist reading collective that aims to read and discuss texts that build on a radical, liberation-focused foundation. If you're reading this page, it means you're interested in helping us build. Before you fill this out, here's a little information about what we envision:
We have our curriculum, voted on by members, with nonfiction, poetry, and fiction picks every quarter. Our first quarter will most likely start in the Spring or Summer of 2025, as we need to take the first moments to organize and test this out. This is a low-spoons form of a book club, attempting to build community and resource build, where members do not have to read all of the books, or even finish any of them. We don't have firm deadlines, and you're here to discuss what we read, and drop other suggestions, critiques. We aim for accessbility so we aim for all picks to have an open-source component (so that people can access it free, at least digitally.)
If you're interested, please fill out the form below and we'll get back in touch with you.
If you have any further questions, please list them in the box below and an organizer will get back to you.
If you don't have a social media page or website, please do not fill this out, however, we may ask you to provide an external reference from a community member to see if you'd be a good fit.
These next questions are optional but helpful for us when it comes to organizing!
Feel free to click multiple or just one.