Medium or Not? How to Know if You're a Medium Quiz
1. How often do you experience unexplained phenomena or intuitive insights that seem to come from beyond your immediate surroundings?
1. How often do you experience unexplained phenomena or intuitive insights that seem to come from beyond your immediate surroundings?
2. How often do you feel a strong connection to the spirit world, such as sensing the presence of departed loved ones or receiving signs from the universe?
2. How often do you feel a strong connection to the spirit world, such as sensing the presence of departed loved ones or receiving signs from the universe?
3. How often do you have vivid dreams or visions that seem to offer guidance or insight into spiritual matters?
3. How often do you have vivid dreams or visions that seem to offer guidance or insight into spiritual matters?
4. How often do you experience sensations such as tingling, goosebumps, or a sudden change in temperature without any apparent physical cause?
4. How often do you experience sensations such as tingling, goosebumps, or a sudden change in temperature without any apparent physical cause?
5. How often do you find yourself drawn to activities or interests related to spirituality, metaphysics, or the paranormal?
5. How often do you find yourself drawn to activities or interests related to spirituality, metaphysics, or the paranormal?
6. How often do you experience heightened sensitivity to the emotions or energies of others, feeling as though you can pick up on their feelings or intentions without them being expressed verbally?
6. How often do you experience heightened sensitivity to the emotions or energies of others, feeling as though you can pick up on their feelings or intentions without them being expressed verbally?
7. How often do you find yourself experiencing déjà vu or premonitions about future events that later come true?
7. How often do you find yourself experiencing déjà vu or premonitions about future events that later come true?
8. How often do you feel a sense of responsibility or calling to help others by offering guidance, support, or healing?
8. How often do you feel a sense of responsibility or calling to help others by offering guidance, support, or healing?
9. How often do you experience disruptions in electronic devices or unusual phenomena, such as flickering lights or objects moving on their own?
9. How often do you experience disruptions in electronic devices or unusual phenomena, such as flickering lights or objects moving on their own?
10. How often do you feel a strong sense of intuition or inner knowing, guiding you in decision-making or navigating life's challenges?
10. How often do you feel a strong sense of intuition or inner knowing, guiding you in decision-making or navigating life's challenges?
11. How often do you experience synchronicities or meaningful coincidences that seem to be guiding you or confirming your path?
11. How often do you experience synchronicities or meaningful coincidences that seem to be guiding you or confirming your path?
12. How often do you feel a deep connection to nature or animals, sensing their energy or feeling a kinship with them?
12. How often do you feel a deep connection to nature or animals, sensing their energy or feeling a kinship with them?
13. How often do you experience sensations of being touched, hugged, or comforted by an unseen presence or energy?
13. How often do you experience sensations of being touched, hugged, or comforted by an unseen presence or energy?
14. How often do you feel a sense of mission or purpose beyond your individual desires, feeling called to contribute to the greater good or spiritual evolution?
14. How often do you feel a sense of mission or purpose beyond your individual desires, feeling called to contribute to the greater good or spiritual evolution?
15. How often do you experience changes in your mood or energy levels that seem to coincide with shifts in the energetic environment or planetary influences?
15. How often do you experience changes in your mood or energy levels that seem to coincide with shifts in the energetic environment or planetary influences?
16. How often do you feel a sense of responsibility to share spiritual knowledge or insights with others, feeling compelled to teach or guide them on their journey?
16. How often do you feel a sense of responsibility to share spiritual knowledge or insights with others, feeling compelled to teach or guide them on their journey?
17. How often do you experience changes in your perception of time or space, feeling as though you're in a state of heightened awareness or altered consciousness?
17. How often do you experience changes in your perception of time or space, feeling as though you're in a state of heightened awareness or altered consciousness?
18. How often do you experience physical sensations or symptoms that seem to have no apparent medical cause, such as tingling, pressure, or vibrations in the body?
18. How often do you experience physical sensations or symptoms that seem to have no apparent medical cause, such as tingling, pressure, or vibrations in the body?
19. How often do you feel a sense of resonance or familiarity when encountering spiritual teachings, practices, or symbols from various cultures or traditions?
19. How often do you feel a sense of resonance or familiarity when encountering spiritual teachings, practices, or symbols from various cultures or traditions?
20. How often do you experience moments of clarity or insight that seem to come from a deeper source of wisdom or knowing beyond your rational mind?
20. How often do you experience moments of clarity or insight that seem to come from a deeper source of wisdom or knowing beyond your rational mind?
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