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Get Involved with the new Community Club
Community Club is an independent organization supporting & advancing community professionals around the world.
It is in the process of applying with the IRS for tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(6) organization.
We need your help! Sign up below to help shapeand/or participate in specific projects.
You can read more about the new Community Club
Let's start with your personal details
Subscribe to Community Club Newsletters
Subscribe to Community Club Newsletters
New "Community Club Weekly" (existing subscribers to the previous CCW will need to re-subscribe)
Where do you work?
What country do you live in?
Get involved by helping with Programs & Working Groups
Select any program(s) and/or groups(s) that you are interested in potentially helping out on.
Program Facilitation
This section is if you want to help shape & contribute a project.
There's another section further below to share interest in participation only.
Program Facilitation
Facilitating Mentorship Program - Similar to previous Club program, but with meaningful changes
Facilitating Accountability Partners Program - Matches community professionals with accountability partners for long-term goals
Facilitating External Survey Program - Conducting a (semi) annual survey of non-community professionals to gauge their perception of the Community industry
Working Groups & Misc Operations
Working Groups & Misc Operations
Strategic Plan & Vision Working Group - Drafting Strategic plan & long term vision for the Community Club
Cross-function Connections Working Group - Responsible for connecting with other communities and member associations in order to facilitate relationships between community pros and peers in other disciplines
1:1 Peer Connections Working Group - Responsible for programs connecting community pros with each other, including mentorship program and accountability partners
Local Community Connections Working Group - Supporting community professionals who are looking to get more involved in their own local communities
Tech Working Group - Responsible for programs & content to help community pros explore new technology like AI, NoCode, analytics, etc
General operations volunteers - Interested in helping with behind-the-scenes tasks such as updating articles and databases, curating newsletter, reviewing applicants and job submissions for the job board
General Membership Project - Determining potential joining criteria, application process, member benefits, and types
Participate in Organization & Governance
Participate in Organization & Governance
Interested in learning more about & potentially joining the Board of Advisors
Interested in learning more about & potentially joining the Board of Directors
Participate in Programs
Select any program(s) or project(s) that you are interested in participating in
. There's no obligation, but interest levels may determine which programs are prioritized
Participate in Programs
Mentorship program - (Restarting in Q3’24) - I'm interested in being a mentor
Mentorship program - (Restarting in Q3’24) - I'm interested in being a mentee
Accountability Partners Program (Q3'24) - I'm interested in getting matched with an accountability partner(s) for longer term goals
Tell us a bit more about yourself (background, industry, role, experience)
Any other questions, concerns, thoughts, ideas, prophetic visions?