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Community Club is an independent organization supporting & advancing community professionals around the world.
It is in the process of applying with the IRS for tax-exempt status as a 501(c)(6) organization. We need your help! Sign up below to help shapeand/or participate in specific projects. You can read more about the new Community Club here

Let's start with your personal details

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Subscribe to Community Club Newsletters

Where do you work?

What country do you live in?

Get involved by helping with Programs & Working Groups

Select any program(s) and/or groups(s) that you are interested in potentially helping out on.

Program Facilitation

This section is if you want to help shape & contribute a project.
There's another section further below to share interest in participation only.
Program Facilitation

Working Groups & Misc Operations

Working Groups & Misc Operations

Participate in Organization & Governance

Participate in Organization & Governance

Participate in Programs

Select any program(s) or project(s) that you are interested in participating in. There's no obligation, but interest levels may determine which programs are prioritized
Participate in Programs

Tell us a bit more about yourself (background, industry, role, experience)

Any other questions, concerns, thoughts, ideas, prophetic visions?