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Suggest a New Rekog Cards

Share your creative ideas for new cards!

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Image Link (optional / if applicable)



If your card is selected, this is how you'll be credited in the game. If you wish to remain anonymous, please write "Anonymous."

Contact Information

We promise that we'll only contact you if we have questions.

Rights and Usage Agreement

By signing and submitting this form, I confirm that I have read and agree to the Upload Policy. I certify that I own or have obtained all necessary rights for the content I'm submitting, and that my submission does not infringe on any third party's intellectual property rights. I understand that my submission may be used in future Rekog expansion packs, and I grant Rekog a license to use, store, and display this content as described in the Upload Policy. I agree to indemnify Rekog against any claims arising from unauthorized content in my submission.