Apply in 5 min, hear back in 1-3 days. Easy peasy.
e.g., applied to several companies already, just beginning your job search, etc.
The more detail you include (sector, job title, desired compensation, etc.), the better we will be able to match you!
e.g. to make the most money to support yourself and family, to impact a particular issue you care about, to contribute to a growing company, etc.
You can say anything here. Most applicants write about mentor attributes such as educational background, similarity to their background, ethnicity, current company, etc.
Note: This is simply an acknowledgment of Vantaged's payment structure, and not a legally binding agreement. We simply want to be upfront and transparent so that there are no surprises later.
Please explain your reasoning for this deadline as well (e.g., some H1B visa students need a job 90 days after graduation, others simply have a personal goal to obtain a job offer by a certain date)