Form cover
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πŸŽ‰ Thank you for stepping up and sharing your knowledge with the community at our first event! We can't wait to be blown away by your incredible product/project. πŸš€ To make this process a breeze, we've kept the form short and sweet.
😊 And hey, once you're registered interest as a speaker, there's NO NEED for double registration - 🎟️ your event ticket is already taken care of!

πŸ€“ Let's start with your personal details

πŸ’Ό Let's get to know more about your professional side

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Optional work details if your LinkedIn isn't up-to-date

🎀 Give us a sneak peek into the brilliance of your presentation - summarize it in 200 captivating words or less!

πŸ” Share the link to the project/product that'll be in the spotlight during your presentation.

πŸ’‘ Tell us what you'd love to gain from this presentation

πŸ’‘ Tell us what you'd love to gain from this presentation