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The info you submit here will be used to create your company profile! Many fields are optional so it's all about how much you want to share with candidates 😊
Please ensure you copy the full link (including https://)
Select the primary area of impact
Select all that apply
Company benefits
Select all that apply
Responsible & ethical business practices
This will appear on your job listings and in your company preview
Pro tip: use your Twitter profile picture for best results
Link to a video about your company, please ensure you copy the full link (including https://)
Are you open to speculative applications?
Will be available on your company profile
Add even more flavour to your profile with a few pictures. Show what you want; your last team day out, your products, the star office dog... drop 4 pics max below
Were you in the press, won an award or reached a key milestone? Copy the URLs of up to 3 articles you're proud of & want to share with candidates on your profile (please ensure you copy the full link including https://)