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FCC Landline Shutdown Check

Find out if you landline will be affected by the FCC Landline Shutdown Order 19-72.
When you submit your number below, a real person will check if your landline may be affected and email you back with the results.

1. What is your landline number?

2. Who is your current provider?

Select a provider from the dropdown.

3. Have you got traditional copper wire landline service?

3. Have you got traditional copper wire landline service?

4. Is your landline for Residential or Business purposes?

4. Is your landline for Residential or Business purposes?

5. Would you be interested in switching service providers in order to save your landline?

5. Would you be interested in switching service providers in order to save your landline?

6. What is your email address?

So we can send you a copy of the results.